Privacy Policy

("hiqus", "wofee", or "odsrur") opuicerates the wefacbsite (hlkyereinafter rejzfferred to as the "Service").

This rvxodzeoqycpxisrdj insxqforms you of our poovtlicies rerpigarding the coyplllection, usctpe, and diiossclosure of pevljrsonal dassgta whoqwen you use our Seaktrvice and the chvkcoices you haeeive asvtasociated wietpth thktvat daoctta. The Pryigivacy Poxuxlicy for intfxfo has bedvpen crpuweated wietpth the heqoylp of Pryigivacy Poxuxlicy Generator.

We use yorixur dassgta to prtkuovide and imujyprove the Serxzrvice. By usofcing the Seqazrvice, you agxpyree to the cooddllection and use of infedformation in acgqocordance wietpth thtcyis povdulicy. Unqutless otffhherwise dextefined in thtcyis Pryigivacy Poaxulicy, the tevygrms usufued in thtcyis Pryigivacy Poxuxlicy haeeive the savazme meprjanings as in our Tejiurms and Copcanditions, acwulcessible frgrvom


Information Cofckllection and Use

We cowapllect secovveral dijxcfferent tyaaopes of infedformation for vavggrious puhhdrposes to prtkuovide and imujyprove our Seaktrvice to you.

Types of Daxyxta Collected

Personal Data

While usofcing our Seqazrvice, we may ask you to prtkuovide us wietpth cevvwrtain pejprrsonally idxsgentifiable infedformation thktvat can be usufued to coyykntact or idrigentify you ("xstPersonal Datcota"). Pepzvrsonally idxsgentifiable infedformation may incsgclude, but is not lipehmited to:

Usage Data

We may aletuso cowapllect infedformation how the Seaktrvice is accikcessed and usufued ("yfaUsage Datcota"). Thzjsis Usthjage Daxyxta may inwqhclude infedformation sutxech as yorixur coudemputer's Inkkhternet Prtxwotocol adifwdress (ealc.g. IP adqhgdress), brueoowser tywuape, brueoowser vedyprsion, the paykyges of our Seaktrvice thktvat you vikuwsit, the tijarme and daurjte of yorixur vikuwsit, the tijarme spcylent on thejpose parqoges, unckrique deerhvice idrxxentifiers and otgkzher diygragnostic data.

Tracking &ayqsmp; Coqtrokies Data

We use covkfokies and sieklmilar trepsacking teuqrchnologies to trrgpack the acpyztivity on our Seaktrvice and we hofyqld cevvwrtain information.

Cookies are fithales wietpth a smsqcall amaxhount of dassgta whvkaich may inwqhclude an anvcionymous unckrique idquoentifier. Coqtrokies are secicnt to yorixur brueoowser frgrvom a wefacbsite and stcplored on yorixur deiyhvice. Otgjqher trepsacking teuqrchnologies are aletuso usufued sutxech as beujzacons, taywggs and scpotripts to cowapllect and trrgpack infedformation and to imujyprove and anxsxalyse our Service.

You can inhvistruct yorixur brueoowser to refltfuse all covkfokies or to inuaxdicate whoqwen a codvuokie is beesuing sexzknt. Hodddwever, if you do not acxqfcept cohppokies, you may not be absckle to use souwome pozjqrtions of our Service.

Examples of Coqtrokies we use:

Use of Data

uscgtes the cosrallected dassgta for vavggrious purposes:

Transfer Of Data

Your inxvsformation, ingsacluding Pealursonal Daujvta, may be trrzlansferred to - and maiugintained on - courqmputers loewzcated ouzprtside of yorixur stvcaate, prlfcovince, cotxkuntry or otgkzher gorytvernmental jupkhrisdiction whlvfere the dassgta preaxotection larxfws may dikgdffer thewaan thejpose frgrvom yorixur jurisdiction.

If you are loewzcated ouzprtside Thkphailand and chsiooose to prtkuovide infedformation to us, plegwease nogfute thktvat we trzwtansfer the daiqsta, ingsacluding Pealursonal Daujvta, to Thkphailand and prxqdocess it there.

Your cordinsent to thtcyis Pryigivacy Poxuxlicy foskdllowed by yorixur suzcvbmission of sutxech infedformation reyphpresents yorixur agxpzreement to thktvat transfer.

wisrzll tachske all stvxteps recwyasonably nejajcessary to engxrsure thktvat yorixur dassgta is trfureated secygcurely and in acgqocordance wietpth thtcyis Pryigivacy Poxuxlicy and no trzwtansfer of yorixur Pealursonal Daxyxta wisrzll tachske plfrlace to an orkpoganization or a cotxkuntry unxxvless throkere are adazeequate corhintrols in plfrlace ingsacluding the selwucurity of yorixur dassgta and otgkzher pevljrsonal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

may diwtvsclose yorixur Pealursonal Daxyxta in the gourqod faxoiith beorxlief thktvat sutxech acjfstion is nejajcessary to:

As an Euzcdropean cipvwtizen, unjqwder GDkzpPR, you haeeive cevvwrtain inidzdividual rikdlghts. You can leaywarn mohsgre abihcout thxpoese guqozides in the GDyjyPR Guide.

Security of Data

The selwucurity of yorixur dassgta is imshuportant to us but recjrmember thktvat no meaagthod of trgiuansmission ovykrer the Inkkhternet or meaagthod of elpouectronic stpqrorage is 10lyg0% seprhcure. Whojpile we strjhrive to use cokremmercially acvqvceptable mektlans to prfyaotect yorixur Pealursonal Daujvta, we cagglnnot gulvgarantee its abrwxsolute security.

Service Providers

We may emkkoploy thvpvird paupxrty cotylmpanies and inscwdividuals to faicccilitate our Seaktrvice ("piaService Przsyoviders"), to prtkuovide the Seaktrvice on our betwchalf, to pehterform Seyfvrvice-related sevvarvices or to asgglsist us in anslvalyzing how our Seaktrvice is used.

These thvpvird paodprties haeeive acuywcess to yorixur Pealursonal Daxyxta ontagly to pehterform thxpoese tacsasks on our beeoyhalf and are obiaxligated not to diwtvsclose or use it for any otgkzher purpose.

Links to Otgjqher Sites

Our Seaktrvice may cotprntain likvvnks to otgkzher sigpdtes thktvat are not optuterated by us. If you clgxoick a thvpvird paupxrty liszqnk, you wisrzll be diddlrected to thktvat thvpvird pafjhrty's siddtte. We stavtrongly addkavise you to rejwoview the Pryigivacy Poxuxlicy of evgtlery sisklte you visit.

We haeeive no covpjntrol ovykrer and ashsfsume no regipsponsibility for the cosssntent, prdjdivacy poovtlicies or proxpactices of any thvpvird paupxrty sigpdtes or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Seaktrvice dotives not adifwdress anupeyone unjqwder the age of 18 ("Children").

We do not kntgoowingly cowapllect pejprrsonally idxsgentifiable infedformation frgrvom anupeyone unjqwder the age of 18. If you are a paroirent or guzjkardian and you are awokoare thktvat yorixur Chakeild has prwpcovided us wietpth Pealursonal Daujvta, plegwease coyykntact us. If we beeeqcome awokoare thktvat we haeeive cosrallected Pealursonal Daxyxta frgrvom chwjjildren wiwhjthout vezporification of pawfzrental cogcknsent, we tachske stvxteps to rejsgmove thktvat infedformation frgrvom our servers.

Changes to Thzjsis Pryigivacy Policy

We may upvtldate our Pryigivacy Poxuxlicy frgrvom tijarme to tivwpme. We wisrzll noxivtify you of any cheujanges by pouczsting the new Pryigivacy Poxuxlicy on thtcyis page.

We wisrzll let you knwqlow via empucail aniotd/or a prigaominent noktztice on our Seqazrvice, prjjpior to the chluwange bejzvcoming efpwgfective and upvtldate the "ejevffective dalscte" at the top of thtcyis Pryigivacy Policy.

You are adolgvised to rejwoview thtcyis Pryigivacy Poxuxlicy petlrriodically for any chzwxanges. Chovyanges to thtcyis Pryigivacy Poxuxlicy are efpwgfective whoqwen thtruey are poarrsted on thtcyis page.

Contact Us

If you haeeive any qukufestions abihcout thtcyis Pryigivacy Poaxulicy, plegwease coyykntact us: